Sunday, March 24, 2013

What to Do

There is a problem with the words deeper or a higher life when it comes to our faith. There is nothing wrong with deepening of our faith, like a plant’s roots growing deeper into the soil. But when these words are used it usually means to seek our spiritual growth through other means that aren’t biblical.

We usually look for something or someone to grow us; like listening to the right teacher, a charismatic preacher, go to a dynamic church or read the latest popular Christian book. Believing these things are going to change us, but year after year we chase after something or someone who we believe will develop us. But when we look back, we are probably at the same place we were before, we might have more knowledge, but deep down we are still the same person. 
The problem is not the teacher, preacher, church or the author. The problem is within us, we are called to do the same as those who teach us, and that is if they are truly serving God, not promoting themselves. No teacher, preacher or any other person cannot give us their faith. So we must do the work, just as others have before us, it is something that is the easiest and at the same time the hardest thing to do. And that is we must surrender.
