Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Affections of Sin – Part II - Monuments and Direction

“Now I saw, that just on the other side of this plain, the Pilgrims came to a place where stood an old monument, hard by the highway-side, at the sight of which they were both concerned, because of the strangeness of the form thereof; for it seemed to them as if it had been a Woman transformed into the shape of a Pillar.”[1]

When we look at the times of our lives in this world do we see monuments that are warnings to us about the effects of sin? Warning signs posted on the road to give us apt instruction to what we need to avoid on the way. Maybe they are old stories of those whom have fallen away from the faith by being turned out of the way of righteousness. Could these signs be friends or family members who have allowed their lives to be controlled by sin in such a way that you see it as an example in which you desire not to tread. And have you been a warning to others by the scares of what sin has done in your own life during your times of turning away? When you think of Lot’s wife we need to remember that she didn’t disappear, but the pillar of salt was a warning to those for generation on of what happens to those who turn away from God’s will. Maybe not as a physical monument but a monument of words written and read by generations who knew of her story. I am sure we all have heard such stories in our families, churches, and or our communities about people who have turned from what is good in their life to what would later destroy them. Some might want to forget about them but I think we need to remember them, not to look down on or laugh at, but to listen to their warnings that whisper to us in the dark times of our temptation. A bad example sometimes can be a better teacher then those who have never fallen away. Because they show us that sin has a terrifying affect on the lives it comes to take and destroy. A sign of what will happen if we decide to follow the same path that they chose. They are all monuments not of great accomplishments but signs that scream “STAY CLEAR”; ones that help us see the pitfalls that await our souls if we would not listen to their counsel.

[1] John Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress, Oxford University Press, New York, Copyright 1984, 

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