Friday, November 26, 2010

How Does God Work?

I have always heard that God works in mysterious ways, but according to some authors they have figure out this method, or formula. It is like so many books I see on prayer, The Prayers God Will Answer, The Life God Rewards, etc... I think God works differently with certain people. While He may bless someone financially, another He may not because He knows it might hinder their faith in Him. He may deepen our faith by giving something to one person, but to another He may keep them in need, because the need may help them stay close to Him. I don't think there is a formula, do A, then B and get C. If there was then I think we would end up using God to get what we want, we as human beings are selfish that way, everyone to an extent. Jesus acted differently with those whom He came in contact with, He knows the heart of us all, and knows what will help us grow in His image. I think it takes more faith to trust Him in this way, then a formula. I know He has acted differently in my life, then in the life of those around me. It is not that one of us is doing it right and the other isn't. But it is because we are differently made, different personality types, different motives, and different gifts. So God acts differently with each one of us. He doesn't have a book of formulas He works out of; I think if He did then God would be pretty bored doing the same exact thing in everyone’s life. But He isn't bored or boring, the life lived out in formulas doesn't seem to be very trusting, I think we have to trust Him when we don't see what He is doing, or know how He is going to do it in our situations. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1. Not, “Now faith is the assurance of formula, the conviction that God does everything the same.” Hebrews starts out the accounts of people in chapter 11, By faith... By faith... By Faith... Not By Formula... So we need to have Faith not a Formula

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