Friday, December 17, 2010

The Cross of Peace, Joy and Contentment Part II

What do you do with the peace that Christ has given you? Has it been drowned out by the noise of the world? One night I was walking through the park. I was following a path spending time thinking about the day. As I walked my mind became so preoccupied with the noise of the locust in the trees, hundreds of them making noise in the night air. With all of that going on I soon lost the train of thought and concentrate on the insects. It soon dawned on me how my day usually goes, I am not saying that locusts follow me around to interrupt me but I let the noise of the world become a preoccupation. I soon lose the peace of Christ and replace it with the noise of worry, concerns and other things that I am out of control of. I let them and other people steal away the peace I once had, and once it is gone it is hard to get back. I allow the things of life to occupy my mind, time, and emotions. Think to yourself, what do you allow to steal away your peace? Is it the news, people in your life, worry about relationships, resentments or the “what ifs” of life?

Think about the locust in your life, the things that preoccupy your thoughts that steal away your peace. Ask yourself if thinking about them during your day has helped you to solve them? I do know there are times when we have decisions to make, issues to think over, and conflicts to deal with. What I am saying is how much of your day do you dwell on those things that do nothing but occupy your mind. I know a great deal of my day is wasted on these thoughts. A lot of this can be destructive, not only our relationships with God but also with others. We may dwell on things that have already happened, or that might happen. Our attitudes change towards the people involved, preconceptions develop without being investigated. Peace is then replaced with turmoil. The cross of peace is a very heavy one to pick up. Turmoil, smothering resentment or whatever else may occupy us, struggles for control of our minds. The one thing we need to bring to mind is that God is in control, to turn our burdens over to Him, also, to share our thoughts with a trusted friend. Getting those thoughts out in the open and talk them over with others helps us see reality, instead of blowing them out of proportion. Psalm 34:14 states: “Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”  I believe we must seek the peace of Christ in our spirits but also seek peace with those around us if all possible. “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” (Romans 12:18) While living in the peace of Christ can be difficult at times. Living with the peace with those around us, including co-workers, family members, and friends can be a real challenge at times. Is there a person in your life that you have a hard time in dealing with? Do you have a hard time living in peace with them? How can you today live at peace with them?

How can we all translate the peace of Christ and transmit it into our relationships? It can begin with forgiveness, grace, mercy and love. It is impossible to live at peace with others without living out our Christian virtues. Peace isn’t easy when we live at odds with others, but we aren’t called to a peace that happens only when life is good. We are called to live at peace during the times of trouble also. Some seem to think peace is always being happy, but Scripture does not refer to peace as happiness. We are to have peace among the turmoil. Peace doesn’t mean we are exempt from pain but we will have Christ peace to endure pain. We must choose to live at peace each and every day. Sometimes that is almost impossible on our own, especially when we are in pain, hurting or resentful. Those are the times when we must first seek peace from the One who calmed the sea, the One who conquered the Cross and the One who desires to calm the hurting heart. We must place our trust in Christ to bring us back to that perfect peace in Him. But to do so we must make a conscience decision to pick up the cross. Picking up that cross may cause you to restore a relationship; it may cause you to begin forgiving someone. It may bring you in full view of your resentment, and how you must come to grips with your own pride that tells you to hold onto unforgiveness. The cross of peace is a costly one at times. No cross that anyone picks up is without some cost. When we pick it up we must free our hands from other things we are carrying around. We must let go of the things that we hold onto that destroy the peace of Christ. What are you holding onto that keeps you from having a deeper relationship with someone in your life? What must you let go of to have the power of Christ in your life? What does it cost you to carry them around with you? Finally, are willing to drop them at the feet of Christ and pick up the cross of peace and follow Him?

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