Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Fruit of Change

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and …
-Genesis 3:6

God first gave the woman to the man; he also gave them plenty of food in the garden. A beautiful garden and fellowship with God, but was that enough?

What has God given us, what has God put in our life that is in His will? A relationship with someone, a spouse, a career, a place to live, a place to worship, and a place to serve, but is that enough? Are we like the woman who saw the fruit, the fruit in the garden of plenty? It pleased her eye, in a beautiful garden full of trees and plants given to her by the Lord. Also see saw it desirable for gaining wisdom, when she had the fountain of knowledge from God. But it wasn’t enough for her; she wanted something more, something more pleasing to her, something that seemed to have more wisdom.

Is there something or someone you desire that is outside the will of God that seems to be more desirable than what God has given you? Something or someone who you pursue that gives you the idea that it will make you more fulfilled than what God has given you? Is it riches, wisdom, power, possessions, beauty or something else that the world says will make you happy? Do you really believe it is true, but what happens when you take a bite of the fruit? What happens is everything changes and you can’t return to what life was before. Not only does it drastically affect you, but those who are in your life and who would be in your life in the future. The relationship falters, the spouse leaves, the career is lost, the house is gone, the church changes, and the place of service is replaced. What you thought the fruit would bring didn’t happen, and those whom you didn’t concern yourself with are affected, broken, lost, and/or changed in a way that can’t be restored. And why is this? Because what God gave you wasn’t enough, and you like the woman took some and ate it, and paradise was lost…

1 comment:

  1. O but thank you for your Grace & Mercy O God. Thank you that you cover our mistakes. O God, you are Holy and so worthy to be praised. Thank you that you continually teach us - until Christ is formed in us. Amen? Amen. :)

