Sunday, June 13, 2010

Spiritual Hunger

When hungry hits we feed ourselves to gratify the pain. We can fill it with something that nourishes us, to build us up, or something that just fulfills the hunger with something quick, but not good for our bodies. The same is true with our spiritual condition. What do we do with our spiritual hunger? Do we fill ourselves up with what godly pursuits such as fellowship, worship, Scripture study, prayer, meditation and solitude with God. While these are just a few things we can do, it is not the extent of spiritual conditioning, and not a list of a way to works towards God. We can fill our spiritual hunger with something quick. We can fill ourselves with passions, lust, judging others, pleasures of this world and anything else outside the will of God. While one way builds the spiritual body, the other squelches the spirit. How we feed our spiritual hunger will direct us down the road in life. Not just in this world, but the next one also. So how are you feeding your spiritual hunger?

1 comment:

  1. Reading a book called The Secret to living a life with purpose and power by Bill Bright, Reading bible and listening to Christian worship and praise music. I'm also working on keeping short accounts with God.

