Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wings of a Bird

Don’t look for a woman who has wings like a bird or a beautiful butterfly. You can chase and pursue with all your might. No matter how fast you run after her each and every time you begin to get close she spreads her wings and lets the wind carry her were it may. You chase once again but you chase only after disappointment, which you will always catch; and despair will be your closest friend. Flee from fantasizing about being with one whom resembles a perfect picture painted by an artist. One who has all the right textures and colors to cover herself up with. Who looks all so perfect to the eye and agreeable to the heart. A mask may well hide the cracks underneath but no one gets close enough to truly understand the complexity of the art of illusion. Do not ponder upon the one who shines bright as a star in the evening sky. She gives off her beauty with all her brilliant lights. A heavenly creature that seems to lighten up the dark sky of your heart. But remember she is a million miles away and can only be seen from a distance. While she is bright and beautiful, you will never feel the warmth of her touch or see the glow of her heart except from a distance. Depart from the one whom is like a bench at the softball field where you could sit there for hours on end. Because she enjoys the one who will sit for a while, but don’t worry, you won’t sit for long. Each player has his time on the bench and a time in the game. Soon the season is over and a new player is rotated in. And all you have left are the memories of the glory days that haunt you from the sidelines, yelling to you to wait, wait for another chance at bat while life passes you by. Missing out on what God desires for you as you sit on the bench of bitter desires, longing for someone you can never have but you still long for the game to quench your thirst from loneliness and frustration.

There is one lady who is worth the wait. She is the one whom is like a flower who grows day by day. More beautiful then all the wings of a bird and butterflies. More stunning then a painted portrait at a museum. And brighter than any star in the night sky. More exciting that any ball game could ever be. She has no wings to steal away to the sky or play books and strategies to keep the players in the game. She is like a flower because she is constant day and night. Even though she does go through seasons, she does what God commands. And that is one simple thing, she grows were she is planted.

Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness--with good works. 1 Timothy 2:9-10

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