Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Wind and a Whisper

Many things come upon a man in his life; life is but a wind and a whisper. Like the wind that nestles through a forest of trees, so is a man’s life. It rushes around and makes many turns, some good, and some not so good. We cannot know were the wind comes or were it will go. The same is true about our life on earth, but we can know who created the wind and holds it in the palm of His hand, and who also holds our life. As with the wind He knows were it comes from and where it goes, the same is it true to our life. He knows were it came and were it is going. The rustling of the wind seems to have no purpose or direction at times, it seems lonely as the wind in the forest, but we are still cared for by the hands of the One whom directs the elements of this earth. Just as he directs the rain, so is our life, no matter where we are. The reason may not be know to us at the present but don’t fall into despair due to the circumstances of life. Know this, not even a sparrow falls without His knowledge. Aren’t you even more valuable than a sparrow to Him? He knows the struggles and the pains you face. We are His children, and when a father sees His children hurt, He hurts with them. That does not stop Him from directing our lives. Neither should it stop us from looking to Him for direction and grace to come through the valley of the shadow of life. He conquered the grave and He can and will conquer what you are going through. That is if you seek Him.

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