Friday, December 2, 2011

Do We Believe God is Good?

Do you believe God is good? All Christians would say that this is true, and that we believe it to be true. The question is, do we live as if it is true? Do we live in ways that demonstrate it in our thoughts, motives and actions? Do we wait on God because we know God has our goodness in mind? Do we pray and wait expecting God to answer by His goodness? Do we spending time listening for the Holy Spirit to direct us because of God’s goodness? There are many other areas in our lives I could go into in regards to see if we truly believe in God’s goodness. But on the other side, we need to ask ourselves some questions. Are we impatient and make our own decisions without looking to God’s leading? Do we rush ahead of God, thinking we know what is best? Do we rush in and out of relationships because of what we want or think we know what is best? If we answer the last set of questions honestly, I am sure some of us do these things on a regular basis; instead of praying, waiting, and looking for His direction instead of following our desires. Are we depending upon ourselves over God? Then we need to rethink what we say we believe about God’s goodness and look deeply into our lives and see if our actions truly live out what we say we believe. 

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